Research for the Israeli Green Building Council and the Israeli Ministry of Environmental protection
2013 - 2016
Zero Energy Building Adaptation in the Mediterranean //
Opportunities and challanges in harmonizing definition and criteria in Israel
Principal researcher
2 year research funded by the Israeli Ministery
of Environmental Protection 2015-2016
Technical guide - Israeli green building code.
Author - Energy section, 2016
Implementation cost of the Israeli green building code in office buildings.
Principal researcher
(co-researcher: Hagay cot)
completed 2015
Implementation of the Israeli green building code in dense residential schemes.
Research assistant
(Researchers: Barak Pelman, Keren Schwatz, Ronny Daniel).
Green Building and Urban Design
Research assistant
(Researchers: Erez Ella, Barak Pelman)
The guide for environmental refurbishment
Research assistant
(Researcher: Aviel Yelinek)